
  • riswal riswal
  • Irfan Ido Halu Oleo University
  • Suryawan Asfar Halu Oleo University


Nickel, Mining Social, Importance Performance Analysis, Palangga subdistric


South Palangga Subdistrict is one of the sub-districts that have the potential of nickel mining in South Konawe district of southeast Sulawesi Province. South Palangga Subdistrict has a total area of 12.085 Ha with a population of 5,596 and consists of 10 villages. Koeono Village has an area of 1,106 hectares with a population of 412 people who have the potential natural resources in the form of nickel, natural wealth is used as a source of nickel mining coal by PT. Sambas Minerals Mining and PT. MacikaMada Madana, While the village of Lalowua is one of the villages that directly impacts the activity of nickel mining by PT. Sambas Minerals Mining and PT. Macika Mada Madana. Various rejections or guidance occur because of the strong social problems that arise. Among others, the impact of the physical environment that resulted in the continued impact on the socio-Economic Community is the occurrence of change of order or structure in society, the loss of previous livelihoods, the increasing The number of people from foreign workers. The research aims to understand the social engineering performance of nickel mining at the stage of predestruction, construction of production and post-mine. The type of research used is a quantitative descriptive approach. The analysis used in this research is the analysis of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results showed in the performance variables of the mining social engineering at the pre-forction stage found in the first quadrant I (top priority). In the mining social engineering performance variable at the construction stage there is the III quadrant (Low priority). The social engineering performance variables of the mine at the stage of production were in the quadrant II (Achievement/retained).


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2024-06-06 — Updated on 2024-08-19
