JURNAL RISET TEKNOLOGI PERTAMBANGAN 2024-08-16T00:08:01+00:00 Erwin Anshari, S.Si., M.Eng Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Riset dan Teknologi Pertambangan (JRISTAM)</strong> adalah Jurnal yang disediakan oleh Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan untuk memuat jurnal hasil penelitian baik itu mahasiswa ataupun dosen yang bersifat terbuka dan gratis. Cakupan JRISTAM meliputi seluruh riset yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan pertambangan baik itu lingkungan pertambangan, keekonomian, keteknikan, sosial dan K3 Pertambangan.</p> PIT DESIGN AND MINING SEQUENCE OF NICKEL ORE ON PIT B BLOK MANGROVE PT. INDRABAKTI MUSTIKA SITE LAMERURU 2023-10-05T05:19:35+00:00 NUR ARIF WIBAWA Erwin Anshari Irfan Saputra Ika Sartika Ambarsari <p>PT. Indrabakti Mustika is one of the companies that took the opportunity to carry <br>out a nickel ore mining business with a Mining Business Permit (IUP) area of <br>576.00 Ha. Currently PT. Indrabakti Mustika plans to open a mining area in the <br>Mangrove Block Pit B, which is in the Mangrove Block Pit B with an estimated area <br>of ± 20 Ha. This study aims to design a pit based on ore deposits, calculate the <br>amount of reserves based on the pit limit design and design a mining sequence <br>based on production targets in Pit B of the Mangrove Block. The amount of reserves <br>obtained is based on the pit limit design with a cut off grade by the company of <br>1.25% Ni, the total reserves are 1,421,931.25 tons with a mining recovery of 90%, <br>the total mineable reserves are 1,279,738.13 tons. The average Ni content is 1.55% <br>and the resulting stripping ratio is 2.08:1, so that the mine life of the Mangrove <br>Block Pit B is estimated at 7 months. Based on the production target, the sequence <br>is designed with 7 stages of mining (mining sequence) where the average grade <br>value of the first sequence and the seventh sequence is 1.6%.</p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 NUR ARIF WIBAWA, Erwin Anshari, Irfan Saputra, Ika Sartika Ambarsari ESTIMATED COST OF RECLAMATION OF EX-MINING LAND IN BLOCK 1 PIT 3 AT PT. ADHIKARA CIPTA MULIA SITE MAROMBO BEACH 2024-08-15T22:39:16+00:00 Safril Madu Firdaus Firdaus Waode Rizky Awaliah Nafiu <p><em>The sequence of mining activities carried out by PT Adhikara Cipta Mulia Marombo Site has been carried out from the production stage to the shipping stage, causing several mining pits to be declared mine out and need reclamation like Blok 1 Pit 3. So the research was conducted to calculate the estimated cost of reclamation on post-mining land with a reclamation land area of ± 1 Ha. Post-mining land reclamation has four important activities: construction, landscaping, revegetation and maintenance. However, the cost calculation in this study focuses on landscaping, revegetation and maintenance activities. The total cost of reclamation can be obtained based on the area of land to be reclaimed, tool working time during landscaping, workers' wages, and revegetation and maintenance costs. The plants used in the revegetation process are determined based on the results of the topsoil sample analysis, namely Lamtoro (Leucaena galuca). This was supported by the fact that the plant had previously grown in this location. The total cost of reclamation in block 1 pit 3 amounted to Rp. 1,096,561,986 which was carried out for ± 40 days and continued with the maintenance process for 627 days.</em></p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Safril Madu, Firdaus Firdaus, Waode Rizky Awaliah Nafiu Optimalisasi Pit Anggrek Blok IUP 199 Ha PT. Ang and Fang Brother Kabupaten Morowali Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah 2022-12-28T04:05:52+00:00 Madu Arum Deniyatno Deniyatno Marwan Zam Mili Abdul Hadid Ulfa <p><em>The optimization of a pit to be mined, this is useful for reducing costs and avoiding taking too much waste. Pit optimization has become an important part that must be done when experiencing difficulties so as to help identify the most optimal resources or reserves. Pit limit optimization is processed using the Learchs-Grossman method. The results showed that the calculation of reserves according to the optimization of Learch Grossman obtained ore tonnage of 487,687 tons with a content of 1.71% and a stripping ratio value of 1.37: 1. The making of the pit level is carried out by paying attention to the safety factor value (FK) of 1.9 resulting in a pit opening area of 5.9 ha. Based on these parameters, the amount of reserves in the pit limit optimization according to the Lerch Grossman algorithm was 487,687 tons of ore and waste of 668,560 tons.</em></p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Madu Arum, Deniyatno Deniyatno, Marwan Zam Mili, Abdul Hadid Ulfa MINING SEQUENCE DESIGN IN BLOCK A2 PIT 4 PT. ANUGRAH HARISMA BARAKAH 2023-06-23T00:20:04+00:00 monisinta Firdaus Firdaus Wahab Wahab Asri Arifin <p>Block A2 pits 4 is a block at Anugrah Harisma Barakah Inc. which is planned to be mined, but this block has not yet carried out a mining sequence design . This study aims to determine the mining sequence design based on production targets in Block A2 pit 4 at Harisma Barakah Inc. Award. Based on the results calculations obtained the amount of reserves with Cut off Grade Ni 1.4% and the density value of overburden and ore material is 1.5 tons/m3 with the mining recovery set by the company 90% obtained 895,790.7 tons. it can be calculated the mine life of Block A2 p it 4 with a production target of 140,000 tons/month so that 7 months of mine life is obtained. Sequence design is made based on the highest elevation to the lowest elevation. sequence 1 with a total tonnage of 16 8,054 tons. 2nd month's sequence with a total of 15 6,434 ore tonnage tons. in the 3rd month sequence with a total tonnage of ore 161 . 705 tons. The 4th month sequence has a total tonnage of ore 1 7 0 . 292 tons. The 5th month sequence with a total tonnage of ore 15 7. 975 tons. the 6th month sequence with a total tonnage of ore 1 56. 377 tons. And the 7th month sequence with a total ore tonnage of 24 . 486 tons.</p> <p>Keywords: Mine Design, Sequencing Design.</p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 monisinta, Firdaus Firdaus, Wahab Wahab, Asri Arifin MINING SOCIAL ENGINEERING PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS NICKEL IN SOUTH PALANGGA DISTRICT 2024-08-15T22:46:54+00:00 riswal riswal Irfan Ido Suryawan Asfar <p>South Palangga Subdistrict is one of the sub-districts that have the potential of nickel mining in South Konawe district of southeast Sulawesi Province. South Palangga Subdistrict has a total area of 12.085 Ha with a population of 5,596 and consists of 10 villages. Koeono Village has an area of 1,106 hectares with a population of 412 people who have the potential natural resources in the form of nickel, natural wealth is used as a source of nickel mining coal by PT. Sambas Minerals Mining and PT. MacikaMada Madana, While the village of Lalowua is one of the villages that directly impacts the activity of nickel mining by PT. Sambas Minerals Mining and PT. Macika Mada Madana. Various rejections or guidance occur because of the strong social problems that arise. Among others, the impact of the physical environment that resulted in the continued impact on the socio-Economic Community is the occurrence of change of order or structure in society, the loss of previous livelihoods, the increasing The number of people from foreign workers. The research aims to understand the social engineering performance of nickel mining at the stage of predestruction, construction of production and post-mine. The type of research used is a quantitative descriptive approach. The analysis used in this research is the analysis of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results showed in the performance variables of the mining social engineering at the pre-forction stage found in the first quadrant I (top priority). In the mining social engineering performance variable at the construction stage there is the III quadrant (Low priority). The social engineering performance variables of the mine at the stage of production were in the quadrant II (Achievement/retained).</p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 riswal riswal, Irfan Ido, Suryawan Asfar SHORT TERM PRODUCTION SCHEDULING PLANNING AT BLOCK A5 PT. JAGAD RAYATAMA 2023-07-07T03:09:10+00:00 SULKARNAIN TRI NUR AHMAD Deniyatno Deniyatno Erwin Anshari Muhardi Mustafa <p><em>Jagad Rayatama Limited Company is a company engaged in nickel ore mining located in the Palangga District area. In planning production scheduling in Block A5, of course, it requires precise and accurate short-term production scheduling planning so that the company can achieve the desired production target. The purpose of this research is to make short-term production scheduling based on the results of pushback design in Block A5 PT Jagad Rayatama. The method in this research is a type of quantitative research with an experimental method, where the research follows a planned procedure and data analysis is carried out after all data has been collected. Short-term production scheduling based on the results of the pushback design for 6 months is in the first month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 619,725.6 tons and ore tonnage is 397,077.8 tons with an average Ni content of 2.1%. The second month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 444,634 tons and ore tonnage of 432,411 tons with an average Ni content of 1.79%. The third month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 260,774 tons and ore tonnage of 382,342 tons with an average Ni content of 1.4%. The fourth month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 45,438.9 tons and ore tonnage of 37,572.2 tons with an average Ni content of 1.87%. The fifth month pushback obtained overburden tonnage obtained in month 5 pushback is 35,901.5 tons and the ore tonnage is 36,087.3 tons with an average Ni content of 1.72%. The sixth month pushback obtained overburden tonnage obtained in month 6 pushback is 644.35 tons and the ore tonnage is 5,651.82 tons with an average Ni content of 1.78%. The average mining recovery set by the company is 85%.&nbsp; The mine life of Block A5 is 6 months</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SULKARNAIN TRI NUR AHMAD, Deniyatno Deniyatno, Erwin Anshari, Muhardi Mustafa PLANNING FOR LOADING AND TRANSPORTING EQUIPMENT IN OVERBURDEN STRIPPING ACTIVITIES IN PIT C BLOCK ITB PT BOSOWA MINING 2024-08-15T22:55:05+00:00 Fahrudin Erwin Anshari Irfan Ika Sartika Ambarsari <p><em>Bosowa Mining limited liability company (LLC) is a national private company engaged in the nickel commodity mining industry with a mining business permit (IUP) area of 1,500 Ha. Currently the company plans to open a new mining area in pit C of Block ITB to maintain production and is scheduled when several other blocks have reached the mineout category. Production equipment in mining operations is an important means of production to achieve the final production targets determined by the company. Planning the need for digging and transport equipment for overburden stripping activities using the queuing theory method. The number of digging and lifting equipment is calculated based on the productivity of the equipment and monthly production targets. In overburden stripping activities using a Sany 365 excavator and transporting overburden material using a Howo 371 HP. The number of digging, loading and transport equipment required for overburden removal activities is digging overburden using 1 Sany 365 excavator, overburden loading using 1 Sany 365 excavator and overburden hauling using 3 Howo 371 HP transport equipment. </em></p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fahrudin La Daio, Erwin Anshari, Irfan Saputra