
  • sahrul poalahi salu Universitas Sembilanbelas Kolaka
  • Juhardin Juhardin Universitas Sembilanbelas Kolaka
  • Ika Sartika Ambarsari Universitas Halu Oleo


Crushing Plant, Production Target, Work Efficiency


PT.Wijaya Karya Bitumen has a crushing plant, where the tool consists of different types of tools that are mutually durable in one system. The discussion is in the calculation of the operating efficiency of the surface of the unit, analyze the constraints that occur in the crushing plant and know the production capacity of the crushing plant. The asphalt crushing process aims to produce a 12.75 mm asphalt product that is adapted to market demand. Target Asphalt production that is set to PT. Wijaya Karya Bitumen is 550 tons/day for 7 days, while the actual production of the average crushing plant 329 644 tons/day while the average theoretical production 795 496 tons/day with an average working time of 5.48 hours/day. The main crushing capacity of 301.44 tons/hour and a secondary crushing capacity of 204.1785 tons, as well as the productivity of the crusher according to the working efficiency of the tool. Obstacles that must be considered daily before the equipment operates primarily on bearings, cleaning rollers on the conveyor belt, feed size and cleaning the crusher hammer, so that at the time of operation the work available is not understood by the moment of the obstacle. Efforts are made to achieve production goals by increasing the performance capacity of each equipment and minimizing barriers so that the working efficiency of the crushing unit can increase, adding the number of bucket loading device to the hopper


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