
  • AGUS SAPUTRA Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Erwin Anshari Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Marwan Zam Mili Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Firdaus Firdaus Universitas Halu Oleo


Nickel Laterite, Reserve Estimation, Deposits Modelling


PT. Ja gad Rayatama is one of the companies engaged in the nickel mining industry with a mining business license (IUP) area of 1,661.89 Ha. Currently, the company plans to open a new mining area in block A5 to continue mining activities when other blocks have/will reach the mineout category. This study aims to determine the amount of reserves and the form of distribution of nickel laterite deposits contained in the A5 block. The research method is quantitative research that combines theory with data obtained in the field. As for the reserve estimation, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method is used, which is determined based on geological conditions and the results of statistical analysis that has been carried out. This research uses data in the form of drill data as many as 42 points, topographic data, and pay attention to the morphology, structure, and lithology of the research area which are then processed in the modeling software. From the results of modeling and data analysis, it is known that the amount of laterite nickel reserves contained in Block A5 PT Jagad Rayatama is 296,343.75 tons. The reserves are spread into three ore classes whose details are 115,263.67 tons of Low Grade Ore (LGO) material with an average Ni grade is 1.53% which is spread fairly evenly in the A5 Block area, 55,507.81 tons of Medium Grade Ore (MGO) material with an average Ni grade is 1.79% with the direction of distribution to the east and north, and 125,572.27 tons of High Grade Ore (HGO) material with an average Ni grade is 2.24% which has a distribution direction to the east and north.


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