
  • sahrul poalahi salu USN Kolaka
  • Abdan Syakura Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
  • Arif Arif Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
  • Ika Sartika Ambarsari


Nickel Laterite, Inverse Distance Weight, Kriging, Reserve


Adhi Kartiko Pratama is a company engaged in mineral mining. Production Operation IUP area of ​​PT. Adhi Kartiko Pratama is located in Lameruru Village, Langgikima District, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in Pit B3 which has an area of ​​17 hectares.The purpose of this study is to determine the estimated reserves at the Pit B3 location, what is the volume and tonnage of laterite nickel deposits and what is the difference between laterite nickel reserves using the Inverse Distance Weight method and the kriging method. The data needed in this study are data assay, collar, geology and survey using Surpac 6.3 Software. From the data obtained namely estimated reserves using the Inverse Distance Weight method amounted to 318.903,75 tons and volume 193.275 m3, with levels of 1,5%-1,7% or low grade ore 69.135 tons, levels of 1,7%-1,9% or medium grade ore 68.975 tons, levels of >1,9% or hight grade ore 180.840 tons while the results of estimated reserves using the method Kriging of 323.977,5 tons and volume of 196.350 m3, with levels of 1,5%-1,7% or low grade ore of 82.293,75 tons, levels of 1,7%-1,9% or medium grade ore 765.18,75 tons and levels of >1,9% or hight grade ore 164.340,05 tons. Based on the results of estimated reserves there are differences in reserve differences between the Inverse Distance Weight method and the Kriging method, namely, for with levels of 1,5%-1,7% or low grade ore reserves of 13.158,75 tons, levels of 1,7%-1,9% or medium grade ore of 7.590 tons, and levels of >1,9% or hight grade ore of 16.499,95 tons.


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