
  • Safril Madu Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Firdaus Halu Oleo University
  • Waode Rizky Awaliah Nafiu Halu Oleo University


reclamation cost, post mining, revegetation, nickel


The sequence of mining activities carried out by PT Adhikara Cipta Mulia Marombo Site has been carried out from the production stage to the shipping stage, causing several mining pits to be declared mine out and need reclamation like Blok 1 Pit 3. So the research was conducted to calculate the estimated cost of reclamation on post-mining land with a reclamation land area of ± 1 Ha. Post-mining land reclamation has four important activities: construction, landscaping, revegetation and maintenance. However, the cost calculation in this study focuses on landscaping, revegetation and maintenance activities. The total cost of reclamation can be obtained based on the area of land to be reclaimed, tool working time during landscaping, workers' wages, and revegetation and maintenance costs. The plants used in the revegetation process are determined based on the results of the topsoil sample analysis, namely Lamtoro (Leucaena galuca). This was supported by the fact that the plant had previously grown in this location. The total cost of reclamation in block 1 pit 3 amounted to Rp. 1,096,561,986 which was carried out for ± 40 days and continued with the maintenance process for 627 days.


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2024-06-06 — Updated on 2024-08-19
