
  • Deniyatno Deniyatno Halu Oleo University
  • Erwin Anshari Halu Oleo University
  • Muhardi Mustafa Halu Oleo University


Pit design, Pushback Mining, Nickel mining production, Nickel mining scheduling


Jagad Rayatama Limited Company is a company engaged in nickel ore mining located in the Palangga District area. In planning production scheduling in Block A5, of course, it requires precise and accurate short-term production scheduling planning so that the company can achieve the desired production target. The purpose of this research is to make short-term production scheduling based on the results of pushback design in Block A5 PT Jagad Rayatama. The method in this research is a type of quantitative research with an experimental method, where the research follows a planned procedure and data analysis is carried out after all data has been collected. Short-term production scheduling based on the results of the pushback design for 6 months is in the first month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 619,725.6 tons and ore tonnage is 397,077.8 tons with an average Ni content of 2.1%. The second month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 444,634 tons and ore tonnage of 432,411 tons with an average Ni content of 1.79%. The third month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 260,774 tons and ore tonnage of 382,342 tons with an average Ni content of 1.4%. The fourth month pushback obtained overburden tonnage of 45,438.9 tons and ore tonnage of 37,572.2 tons with an average Ni content of 1.87%. The fifth month pushback obtained overburden tonnage obtained in month 5 pushback is 35,901.5 tons and the ore tonnage is 36,087.3 tons with an average Ni content of 1.72%. The sixth month pushback obtained overburden tonnage obtained in month 6 pushback is 644.35 tons and the ore tonnage is 5,651.82 tons with an average Ni content of 1.78%. The average mining recovery set by the company is 85%.  The mine life of Block A5 is 6 months.


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2024-06-06 — Updated on 2024-08-19
