
  • La Ode Hardani Universitas Haluoleo
  • Deniyatno Deniyatno Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Marwan Zam Mili Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Irfan Saputra Universitas Halu Oleo


Backfilling Design, Geotechnical, Nickel


The impact of open pit mining activities carried out by PT. Anugrah Harisma Barakah caused large openings in the ground, at the end of mining activities in block B1 pit 7 it is necessary to plan backfilling activities to reduce the impact that will be caused after mining activities. This study aims to plan a backfilling design for block B1 pit 7, as well as determine the volume of overburden material required for block B1 pit 7 backfilling activities. The research method used is field observation with a quantitative research type, which this research aims to provide a solution certain practical problems. From the research results obtained, the backfilling planning in block B1 pit 7 is divided into three stages. The first stage requires a required overburden volume of 19,435 ccm, the second stage requires a required overburden volume of 33,260 ccm, the third stage requires a required overburden volume of 15,656 ccm. The step geometry used is based on the results of the safety factor test, namely the height of the ladder is 5 meters, the width of the ladder is 2 meters and the slope is 50°. From the results of the slope stability analysis, it was obtained that the safety factor (FK) in the first stage backfilling geometry was 3,00 the second stage was 2,583 and the third stage, a safety factor was obtained of 2,685. KEPMEN Decree No. 1827 K/30/MEM/2018.
Keywords : Volume, Backfilling Design, Geotechnical


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Pemerintah Indonesia, 2018, Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral RI Nomor 1827 K/30/MEM/2018 Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kaidah Teknik Pertambangan yang Baik, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia.

