
  • Andrianus Dasa Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Erwin Anshari Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Marwan Zam Mili Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Irfan Ido Universitas Halu Oleo


Geometri Jenjang, Nisbah Kupas, Rancangan Pit


Keinz Ventura Inc. has carried out exploration activities in October 2021 and has not yet designed a mining pit limit, especially in Pit 1 of the Pullumea Block. This research determines the design of an efficient mining pit limit at Pit 1 based on technical and economic parameters (stripping ratio). The research method used is a quantitative research type. Mining pit design at Pullumea Block Keinz Ventura inc, based on technical considerations, the results of the slope safety factor test with a geometric height of 4 meters and a minimum width of 2 meters with a single slope of 60° and a pit limit at Pit 1 Pullumea Block with the highest elevation of 465 masl and the lowest elevation of 334 masl with an area pit opening is 21.4 Ha and the overall slope angle value is 13.9 degrees. The total reserve estimate based on the pit limit design is 1,201,142 tonnes. Assuming a 90% mining recovery, an ore tonnage of 1,081,027.8 tons is obtained. The average Ni content in the Pullumea Block is 1.73% and the tonnage of waste is 2,560,621 tons. The resulting stripping ratio is 2.4 : 1.


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